Sjaak Khonraad
Sjaak Khonraad is lector Integrale Veiligheid aan het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van de Avans Hogeschool.
  • Samenvatting

      Since ages Roma people, in a formal context often described as multi problem families from Roma origin, constitute a large minority in Europe, about 8 to 12 million people. For that reason alone they are an important subject of scientific research. Research, which according to critics, often suffers from unilateral thinking, simplification, speculation and generalization. However, the fact that scientific insights rarely find their way to or are used by professionals working with and for Roma people, is a serious omission which unfortunately is not only characteristic for this specific subject. In this case what we see is a Chinese Wall between theory on practice and theory in practice.
      In my belief, and also according to my experience, a way exists in which this wall can be torn down. There’s a method available in which theory and practice do not exist next to each other but take each other into account and strengthen each other. This paper presents an account of (exemplary) action research which started early 2012 and is still ongoing. It is a methodological reflection on a process which a team of professionals working with and for Roma people went through and which is based mainly on the thesis Handelingsonderzoek als exemplarisch leren (1987) by the late Harrie Coenen.
      First, the background and immediate cause of this research project are described. Followed by a short summary of principles, goals and characteristics of exemplary action research and a summary of the research process. Conclusively, I argue why this type of research is especially interesting for professional practice and consequently for Higher Vocational Education/Universities of Applied Sciences.

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