
De DJI en de wetenschap

Over de wijze waarop een uitvoeringsorganisatie samenwerkt met de wetenschap

Trefwoorden Kennismanagement, Kennisontwikkeling, Kennisbenutting, Samenwerking
Auteurs Arie Van den Hurk en Annelies Jorna

Arie Van den Hurk
Arie van den Hurk is werkzaam als adviseur kennismanagement bij de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen.

Annelies Jorna
Annelies Jorna is werkzaam als adviseur kennismanagement bij de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen. Dit artikel is tot stand gekomen met medewerking van Jan Bouman, Nol van Gemmert, Julia Siebrecht, Eva Mulder en Maaike Kempes.
  • Samenvatting

      The Custodial Institutions Agency (Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen - DJI) is responsible for the incarceration of offenders, the restoration of the legal order and reducing the risk of recidivism. DJI thereby provides a unique contribution to the security of society. An individualised approach of offenders and a focus on staff expertise are at the heart of the DJI strategy.
      Knowledge management can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives. Knowledge management aims at injecting penal policy as well as practice with knowledge.
      To obtain this knowledge DJI has appealed to science for quite some time. This has resulted in various forms of cooperation. This article describes the principles of this cooperation and gives many examples of ongoing cooperation. Knowledge management within DJI has to deal with two bottlenecks in particular: (1) the articulation of the exact need for knowlegde (‘asking the right questions’) and (2) the use of available relevant knowledge on behalf of penal policy and practice.

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