Drs. Anneke Menger
Drs. Anneke Menger is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader bij het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht.

Drs. Lous Krechtig
Drs. Lous Krechtig is senior ontwikkelaar en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader bij het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands two experiments are conducted with a new kind of collaboration between probation and prosecution. The experiments aimed for the development of meaningful, contextual and tailor-made sanctioning. As a result, the experiments reached a new group of citizens that probation nor social services ever reached before, people who commit very light offenses, but struggle with heavy social problems. The new method of working resembles short intensive case management (hit and run) and includes commitment of social context and close collaboration with social work and care. Based on the results, probation and prosecution decided to implement this method in all Dutch regions and the Ministry of Safety and Justice adapted their financing structure.

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