
Wat wordt er nu eigenlijk gezegd? Een verkennend onderzoek naar communicatiepatronen op het Darkweb

Trefwoorden Darkweb, zwarte markten / dark markets, online communicatie / online communication, contentanalyse / content analysis
Auteurs Tommy Van Remunt MSc en Dr. Johan Van Wilsem

Tommy Van Remunt MSc
Tommy van Remunt MSc is werkzaam als onderzoeker aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Dr. Johan Van Wilsem
Dr. Johan van Wilsem is universitair hoofddocent Criminologie aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      The continuous integration of the Internet in societal daily life leads to an array of new communication methods, including the Darkweb. This hidden form of the Internet (which enables much more anonymity due to several encryption techniques) seems to be used for a lot of criminal enterprise. Also in the planning phase of crimes, the Darkweb seems to play an important role. Nevertheless, research on this phenomenon is quite scarce. In the present study, a sample of 198 threads (i.e. discussion topics) was analyzed via a quantitative content analysis, after which an exploratory study was conducted to highlight patterns and structures of communications on the Darkweb. The results show that different types of Darkweb users (e.g. sellers, rookie users, etc.) vary clearly in their communication activities and the crimes that they communicate about (e.g. malware, drugs).

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