
Het doel heiligt het middel? Over de noodzaak van uniforme criteria voor evaluatie van de effectiviteit en efficiëntie van de opsporing

Trefwoorden Effectiviteit, Efficiëntie, Opsporingsmethoden, Wet bewaarplicht
Auteurs Dave van Toor LLM BSc

Dave van Toor LLM BSc
Dave van Toor LLM Bsc is onderzoeksmedewerker aan de Universität Bielefeld en buitenpromovendus aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
  • Samenvatting

      Both the Court of Justice and the regional Court of The Hague ruled the retention of telecommunications data directive and the Dutch Wet bewaarplicht telecommunicatiegegevens in violation of the right to respect for privacy. The police and the Dutch Prosecutors Office have attempted to clarify the importance of the retention for criminal investigation. However, without an efficiency and effectiveness assessment of the method to request and analyse telecommunication data, it is not possible to substantiate the significance of data retention. To ‘save’ the retention of telecommunication data in its current form, but also to assess the importance of the existing and new investigative methods, a thorough analysis is necessary.

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