
Slachtoffers van onrecht: de psychologie van secundaire victimisatie (en positieve reacties voor slachtoffers)

Trefwoorden slachtofferrechten, just-world theorie, negatieve reacties richting slachtoffers, steun richting slachtoffers
Auteurs Dr. Michèlle Bal

Dr. Michèlle Bal
Dr. Michèlle Bal is universitair docent Criminologie aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Victims play an increasingly more prominent role in the criminal justice process. While the consequences of victim participation in the judicial process have been criticized by researchers and practitioners alike, the possible negative consequences of secondary victimization has been largely neglected in this debate. From a social psychological perspective, I discuss research on just-world theory that can explain these negative reactions and give some insight into the processes that play a role in both negative and positive reactions toward victims. Implications for the law practitioners and scholars will be discussed.

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