
‘Trots’, ‘eer’ en ‘medeplichtigheid’: de Vrije Universiteit en Zuid-Afrika

Trefwoorden Zuid-Afrika, Medeplichtigheid, trots, Vrije Universiteit
Auteurs Harry Wels

Harry Wels
Harry Wels is universitair hoofddocent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, en is werkzaam bij het Afrika Studiecentrum in Leiden en aan de University of the Western Cape, Zuid-Afrika.
  • Samenvatting

      ‘Pride’ and ‘honour’ are two concepts that are closely related and in the context of South Africa, are often based on a history of violent battles between various groups in society. VU University Amsterdam has lifelong relations with the historically Afrikaner universities in South Africa. During the Apartheid years the Afrikaner universities scientifically legitimized many of the apartheid policies and practices. In that sense VU University Amsterdam, through its relations to South African counterparts, may be considered complicit with the policies and practices of the Apartheid regime. Consequently, there seems little reason for pride and honour, but rather shame about having sided with academic partners who have at least passively supported the regime? Starting with an explicit acknowledgement of this complicity, the oeuvre of former Archbishop Desmond Tutu may open a path of hope for VUA to contribute to mending past injustices and by, together with its South African academic partners, working towards equality and building new relations in the present South African society.

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