
Zwijgen is zilver, spreken is goud. De weigerende observandus en de voorgestelde wijziging van artikel 37a Sr

Trefwoorden TBS, weigerende observandus, gedragsdeskundige rapportage, medische dossiers, wetsvoorstel forensische zorg
Auteurs Mr. Martine Valk

Mr. Martine Valk
Mr. Martine Valk is junior onderzoeker aan het VU medisch centrum, afdeling Metamedica.
  • Samenvatting

      When a person commits a severe crime in the Netherlands, for which he cannot be (fully) held responsible because of a mental disorder, a judge may impose a hospital order in a secured psychiatric institution. To make this possible, behavioural experts have to assess whether the suspect suffered from a mental disorder at the time of the crime. However, during this assessment a suspect has the right to remain silent. Since recent years the number of non-cooperating suspects is increasing. To solve this problem, the Secretary of State of Security and Justice has submitted a legislative proposal, which makes it possible to force health professionals to submit past medical records of the suspect to the behavioural experts for their assessment without his consent. This breaches the professional law of confidentiality. Following case law of the European Court of Human Rights, this can only be justified, if it complies with the principles of proportionality, subsidiarity and necessity. The legislative proposal does not comply with these principles, as alternatives are available. These are: improvement of the forensic psychiatric care, reduction of the duration of the treatment and extension of the behavioral research period.

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