
Daar doen we het voor! Opbrengsten en effecten van verslavingsreclassering

Trefwoorden rehabilitating institutions, result indicators, monitoring rehabilitation, drug-addicted offenders
Auteurs Drs. Corine Von Grumbkow en Drs. Ron Van Wonderen

Drs. Corine Von Grumbkow
Corine von Grumbkow is beleidsadviseur/projectleider bij de Stichting Verslavingsreclassering GGZ.

Drs. Ron Van Wonderen
Drs. Ron van Wonderen is senior onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.
  • Samenvatting

      The SVG aims to improve its ability to show the social relevance of the work done by organizations for the rehabilitation and probation of drug-addicted offenders. As a first step the SVG asked the Verwey-Jonker Institute to develop a monitor which provides structurally insight into the returns of this work. The monitor couples data at the individual client level to relevant indicators. The monitor’s results are very promising. A year after they had come into contact with the rehabilitating institutions, clients committed significantly fewer criminal offences than they did during the year prior to that moment. Contacts with the police decreased as well.

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