
Probleemoplossingsgericht denken bij witwassen van uit eigen misdrijf afkomstige voorwerpen

Trefwoorden Witwassen, Eigen misdrijf, Uitzondering, Poging tot witwassen
Auteurs Mr. Joost Verbaan en Mr. dr. Joost Nan

Mr. Joost Verbaan
Mr. Joost Verbaan is docent Straf(proces)recht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en directeur van het Erasmus Centre for Penal Studies van die universiteit.

Mr. dr. Joost Nan
Mr. dr. Joost Nan is universitair docent Straf(proces)recht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en (cassatie)advocaat bij Gilhuis Advocaten te Dordrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      According to the text of the law and the meaning of the (international and) Dutch legislator, someone can also commit the crime of money laundering when the illegal proceeds originate from a crime he committed himself. The acquisition or possession of property that was derived from criminal activity is also considered as money laundering regardless whose criminal activity it was. The Dutch Supreme Court made an exception for situations in which the defendant has done nothing to conceal or disguise the criminal background of the property. This means that, for instance, when a drug dealer has hidden his ‘dirty money’ in or around his house, it cannot be qualified as money laundering. This poses problems for investigative authorities. In this article, the possibility of regarding the act of hiding and keeping hidden money as an attempt to launder money, based on the presumption that every act involving the hidden or kept money will result in money laundering, is researched.

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