
Criminele bendes of hardwerkende arbeidsmigranten?

Het mediadiscours ten aanzien van Midden- en Oost-Europeanen in Nederland

Trefwoorden Midden- en Oost-Europeanen, media discoursanalyse, interviews, verhard klimaat
Auteurs Flore van Rosmalen BSc en Anne van Es BSc

Flore van Rosmalen BSc
Flore van Rosmalen BSc is masterstudent Criminal Justice aan de Universiteit Leiden en student-assistent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie, Universiteit Leiden.

Anne van Es BSc
Anne van Es BSc is masterstudent Criminal Justice aan de Universiteit Leiden en student-assistent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie, Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      The population of Central and East European immigrants in the Netherlands has increased following the eastward expansion of the European Union. Over the past years, a lot of media and political attention seems to focus on problems with crime and disorder relating to this immigrant group. This article describes a two-step study on this matter. First, by undertaking a media discourse analysis, we assess to what extent we can speak of a ‘hardened climate’ regarding Central and East Europeans in the Netherlands between 2007 and 2013. Second, we have conducted qualitative interviews with Central and East Europeans in the Netherlands, to explore their perceptions of the Dutch media and political discourse. The results show that this group is often connected with crime and disorder in the media, and that many of our respondents experience this negative framing. Dangers of this trend regarding feelings of discrimination, scapegoating, and self-fulfilling prophecies, are discussed.

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