
Naar een vervanging van de unus-testisregel van artikel 342 lid 2 Sv

Trefwoorden unus testis, bewijsmotivering, bewijsbeslissing, bewijsminimum
Auteurs Mr. dr. Joost S. Nan

Mr. dr. Joost S. Nan
Mr. dr. Joost S. Nan is universitair docent Straf(proces)recht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en (cassatie)advocaat.
  • Samenvatting

      The rule that a conviction cannot be based on the statement of just one witness, is codified in article 342 of the Dutch Criminal Procedural Code. The Supreme Court has recently demanded that such a statement finds sufficient support in other evidence and that sometimes the trial judge needs to specify why that statement is corroborated enough by other evidence. However, the Supreme Court has always given a very marginal meaning to this rule, by allowing convictions which basically are substantiated by only that one statement. The evidence supporting the story of the witness does not have to prove that the crime actually took place, nor that is indeed the defendant who has committed it. In this article, I propose the replacement of the rule with a well-founded motivated ruling of the trial judge on this subject.

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