
Maatwerk of eenduidigheid

(On)gelijke behandeling in het reclasseringswerk

Trefwoorden reclassering, rrisicotaxatie, overeenstemming, plan van aanpak
Auteurs Drs. Jacqueline Bosker

Drs. Jacqueline Bosker
Drs. Jacqueline Bosker werkt als onderzoeker en docent aan het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In order to support desistance from crime and rehabilitation into society, the probation service has to adapt its service to the individual problems and strengths of offenders. As a result, offenders who have committed similar crimes but differ in the problems related to their offending behavior are approached differently. However, equal treatment of offenders by the probation service is important if their problems are comparable. In this article the results are described of a study about the level of agreement between probation officers about intervention plans. In addition, it was studied whether the use of an instrument for structured decision making improves agreement about these plans.

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