
Gezocht: rol voor de advocatuur bij ZSM

Trefwoorden ZSM, advocatuur, ketenpartners, rechtsbescherming
Auteurs Mr. Ineke van den Brûle

Mr. Ineke van den Brûle
Mr. Ineke van den Brûle is als advocaat verbonden aan advocatenkantoor Prinsegracht te Den Haag.
  • Samenvatting

      ASAP: As Soon (or Selective, Smart) As Possible is meant to be a form of summary justice, in March 2011 introduced by the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (PPS). ASAP is meant to handle common criminality more rapidly and more effectively. So far, so good. However, the PPS seems to direct all efforts to velocity instead of quality. ASAP was established without interference of defense lawyers. Lawyers, criminal law scientists and National Ombudsman have been criticizing ASAP since its introduction. Values of legal protection, accuracy and sustainability are ignored by velocity. Nowadays, the PPS desires cooperation with defense lawyers in the ASAP method. First of all: it is not easy to climb aboard a driving train. Suspects must be advised and acquainted by lawyers, not by prosecutors or police officers. Equality of arms must be guaranteed. A quick access to the criminal file is one of the demands for a serious and active role of lawyers in the ASAP approach.

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