
ZSM, Zo Selectief Mogelijk…

Triage in de strafrechtsketen

Trefwoorden ZSM, selectiviteit, Openbaar Ministerie, ketensamenwerking
Auteurs Mr. dr. Johan Bac en Mr. Machiel Vink

Mr. dr. Johan Bac
Mr. dr. Johan Bac is hoofdofficier van justitie van het Parket Midden-Nederland en programmaleider van het Landelijk Programma ZSM.

Mr. Machiel Vink
Mr. Machiel Vink is landelijk ZSM-officier van justitie en lid van het landelijk programmateam ZSM.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch abbreviation ‘ZSM’ literally means ASAP. In the Dutch criminal justice system, it stands for a response to a crime ‘as speedy, selective, smart and supportive for victims as possible’. The project was initiated by the Public Prosecution Service and the Police, and it also involves the Dutch Probation Services, Victim Support Netherlands and the Child Care and Protection Board. The goal of ZSM is to assure meaningful and fast interventions, based on quality and effectiveness for society, including suspects and victims. To reach this goal, the Public Prosecutor is situated at the front of the criminal justice chain and triages the high volume crimes to determine the best procedure for a case, in cooperation with the partners.

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