
Vreemdelingenbewaring in crimmigratieperspectief

Over de rol van strafrechtelijke antecedenten en het ultimum-remediumbeginsel voor de maatregel van bewaring in de rechtspraktijk

Trefwoorden immigration detention, legal practice, crimmigration, ultimum remedium
Auteurs LLB. Jo-Anne Nijland

LLB. Jo-Anne Nijland
Jo-Anne Nijland LLB. is student Legal Research aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      The judge has a very important task in reviewing cases of immigration-related detention and guaranteeing the alien’s safeguards. This study examines the legal practice of reviewing detention orders from the theoretical perspective of crimmigration. Analyses of cases and interviews with judges show that the alien’s criminal background is not important for the review of grounds, but still of significance in the balancing of interests. In addition, the data reveal a protective gap in the reviewing mechanisms for aliens arrested on the basis of identification requirements. Moreover, the ultimum remedium principle proves to be a hollow notion, but the responsibility for its erosion lies largely outside the judicial practice.

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