LLB. Anne Beckers
Anne Beckers LLB. is student straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Lonneke Bontje MSc.
Lonneke Bontje MSc. studeerde forensische criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

LLB. Silvia Gardini
Silvia Gardini LLB. is student straf- en strafprocesrecht en civiel recht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

David Pinchasik
David Pinchasik is student rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper reviews the status quo of immigration law in the Netherlands in regard to the human rights of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Based on a thorough reading of the literature, Dutch detention law and policies aimed at immigrants are reviewed in relation to articles 3, 5 and 6 ECHR and 9 ICCPR to see whether they are compatible and whether a breach of human rights takes place in Dutch detention centres. Even though the ECHR has not yet ruled that Dutch immigration detention breaches drawn conclusions as to a potential breach of human rights, the writers of this paper argue that Dutch policy does potentially violate some of them.

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