
Registratie bij staandehouding en preventief fouilleren in Nederland

Trefwoorden racial profiling, stop and search forms, police powers, stigmatization
Auteurs BSc. Yannick van Eijk, BSc. Roel Holman en BSc. Linde Lamboo

BSc. Yannick van Eijk
Yannick van Eijk BSc. is masterstudent Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

BSc. Roel Holman
Roel Holman BSc. studeerde Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

BSc. Linde Lamboo
Linde Lamboo studeert Culturele Antropologie & Ontwikkelingssociologie aan de Universiteit Leiden
  • Samenvatting

      This article examines the desirability of implementing a registration system as a means of control on the discretionary space in police powers of stop and search. Firstly, the legal background concerning these powers is sketched, and the discretionary space therein is highlighted. This is then placed within the current social context in the Netherlands. Finally, the desirability of implementing a registration system in the Netherlands will be discussed by analyzing a similar system that has been implemented in the UK. We conclude that implementing a registration system is an essential step in coming closer to a solution for ethnic profiling.

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