
Crimmigratie en de morele economie van illegale vreemdelingen

Trefwoorden illegal immigrants, crimmigration, moral economy, exploitation
Auteurs Prof. dr. Richard Staring

Prof. dr. Richard Staring
Prof. dr. Richard Staring is hoogleraar Mobiliteit, Toezicht en Criminaliteit aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Illegal stay in the Netherlands is increasingly criminalized through new measurements and adaptations of the Aliens Law. In order to understand the incorporation of illegal immigrants in this restrictive political context, the ‘moral economy’ is introduced as a concept referring to the norms and expectations regarding justice and reciprocity that serve as guidelines for daily illegal live. This process of crimmigration minimalizes the opportunities of illegal immigrants and as an unintended consequence will push the illegal immigrants further towards charity, informal labour or crime. Paradoxically, illegal immigrants will become more vulnerable for exploitation instead of returning home as was intended.

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