
De nagebootste stoornis, gedragskundige en strafrechtelijke benaderingen

Trefwoorden Factitious disorder, Münchhausen syndrome by proxy, Diagnosis, Prosecution
Auteurs Dr. Dick Raes en Mr. Yvo van Kuijk

Dr. Dick Raes
Dr. Dick Raes is emeritus hoogleraar Forensische Psychiatrie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en (plv.) raadsheer bij de Penitentiaire Kamer van het Gerechtshof Arnhem.

Mr. Yvo van Kuijk
Mr. Yvo van Kuijk is vicepresident van het Gerechtshof Arnhem en plaatsvervangend lid van het Adviescollege Verloftoetsing Tbs.
  • Samenvatting

      Factitious disorders are rather rare. Doctors are not inclined to take such a diagnosis into consideration. Basically, the term Münchhausen-syndrome is not correct, because the stories told by the baron were obviously unbelievable. The DSM IV-TR makes a distinction between malingering, factitious disorder and conversion hysteria. Four cases are shortly described, two with factitious disorder in adults, one with Münchhausen by proxy and one of apparent child abuse.Especially in Münchhausen-syndrome by proxy, clinical and juridical approaches come together in the diagnostic and the criminal investigative phase. Professionals from both disciplines have to work together to protect the wellbeing of the child and to find the adequate (forensic psychiatric) treatment for the mother.

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