
Reclassering op een kruispunt(?)

Rol en positie van de reclassering bij Forensisch Psychiatrisch Toezicht

Trefwoorden Forensic Psychiatry, Probation service, General Mental Health, Forensic Psychiatric Supervision
Auteurs Dr. Jaap van Vliet

Dr. Jaap van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is beleidsadviseur bij Leger des Heils Jeugdzorg & Reclassering, onderzoeker bij het lectoraat ‘Werken in justitieel kader’ van de Hogeschool Utrecht en redactielid van PROCES.
  • Samenvatting

      The probation service has a legally firmly embedded mandate to guide the Tbs-patients (Forensic Psychiatric Patients, subject of a hospital order) during his return to society and to supervise this return. Also because of incidents with Tbs-patients who returned to society, a new way of guidance and supervision was recently developed, in which the treating clinic, the GGz (general mental health care institutions) and the probation service cooperated and enhanced each other’s expertise, more than had been customary in the past. The aim was to reduce the risk of re-offending as far as possible. The first part of this article deals about Forensic Psychiatric Supervision and the problems regarding the links between the judiciary circuit and the GGz. The second part outline the role of the probation service and is concerned with the importance ánd the danger of risk assessment and risk control. Some conclusions are drawn.

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