
De levenslange gevangenisstraf, gratie en voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief

Trefwoorden mandatory life sentence, parole, European Convention on Human Rights, comparative law
Auteurs Mr. Wesley Welten

Mr. Wesley Welten
Mr. Wesley Welten is werkzaam als buitengriffier bij de Rechtbank Rotterdam, sector strafrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, a person sentenced to life imprisonment (lifer) cannot be pardoned or paroled. This has led to debate. I have investigated if this impossibility also exists in other countries (Canada, England, Germany, Belgium). This article shows that in all the other countries studied, lifers can be pardoned after a certain period of time. A law comparative interpretation of article 3 ECHR would therefore lead to the conclusion that the current Dutch policy is contradictory to this article. The results in this article could contribute to the debate that has arisen in the Netherlands.

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