
Intelligencegestuurd politie(mensen)werk

Trefwoorden Intelligence Led Policing, information, communication, safety analysis
Auteurs Drs. Paul Duijn

Drs. Paul Duijn
Drs. Paul Duijn is criminoloog en als strategisch analist werkzaam bij Bureau Regionale Informatie van Politie Haaglanden.
  • Samenvatting

      In order to control problems of public safety the police have to respond proactively on potential threats. Analyzed information and knowledge (intelligence) is therefore needed to give direction to police work on strategic, operational and tactical police management levels. This principle is called Intelligence Led Policing (ILP), with its main goal to become a more effective police organization. Critics point at bureaucratization processes that go along with the implementation of ILP. In this paper the importance human interaction in relation to ILP is discussed as a key factor in preventing these bureaucratization processes. Direct interaction between information collectors, intelligence analysts and decision makers is a necessary ingredient in order to become an effective intelligence led police organization.

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