
Gedetineerden met een licht verstandelijke beperking

Trefwoorden intellectual disability, prisoners
Auteurs Dr. Hendrien Kaal

Dr. Hendrien Kaal
Dr. H.L. Kaal is als onderzoeker en docent verbonden aan de afdeling Toegepaste Psychologie van de Hogeschool Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Signs that a more or less substantial group of people in Dutch prison experience problems as a result of an intellectual disability, suggest that it makes sense to track this group and subsequently offer them the support they need. The reason this does not happen in practice is a lack of knowledge on various fronts. As it is, it is not clear how large the group of people with an intellectual disability in Dutch prisons is, what problems they face, and what could aid them. This article highlights what we do know and what we do not know with regards to this group.

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