Justitiële verkenningen


Wat kan artificiële intelligentie betekenen voor de kwaliteit van de forensische advisering?

Trefwoorden indications for forensic care, advisory processes, artifical intelligence
Auteurs Margriet Mutsaers en Maaike Kempes

Margriet Mutsaers
Drs. M. Mutsaers is senior beleidsadviseur bij het Nederland Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie (NIFP).

Maaike Kempes
Prof. M. Kempes is hoofd van de afdeling Wetenschap en Opleidingen bij het Nederland Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie (NIFP). Zij is tevens bijzonder hoogleraar forensische neuropedagogiek aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      In the criminal justice process and during sentencing, there are several moments when crucial advice needs to be provided. Because these moments have significant consequences for those involved and society, it is essential that these processes are executed with care, and continuous efforts are made to improve and ensure the quality of these processes. With the rise of AI, the question has emerged of whether this technology can assist in enhancing considerations in the context of forensic diagnostics. On the one hand, there is consideration of possibilities for automation, allowing human intervention to be partially removed from the process. On the other hand, there is a consideration of strengthening human capabilities by deploying them more efficiently or effectively. This article delves into the experiences gained from research on how AI can contribute to complex decisions in forensic diagnostics, particularly in the assessment for clinical forensic care by the Netherlands Institute of Forensic Psychiatry and psychology (NIFP).

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