Justitiële verkenningen


Op verkenning in de digitale frontlinie: de mogelijke toepassingen van kunstmatige intelligentie bij de Koninklijke Marechaussee

Trefwoorden information-driven operations, sensor technology, Dutch Ministry of Defence, bias, automation
Auteurs Jorrit Bootsma en Mariel van Staveren

Jorrit Bootsma
J.H. Bootsma MSc is freelance Data Scientist gespecialiseerd in Computer Vision.

Mariel van Staveren
Majoor M.J. van Staveren MSc is stafadviseur informatievoorziening bij de Koninklijke Marechaussee.
  • Samenvatting

      The security domain is currently facing major challenges, both internationally and nationally. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee is therefore committed to the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its effectiveness. This article describes three possible applications of AI within the Marechaussee: the virtual border guard, smart analysis of sensor data, and autonomous robotics for security tasks. The article then discusses a number of potential problems related to the use of AI: the effectiveness, bias and transparency of algorithms, and the lack of a legal framework. Examples and mitigating measures are given for each of the potential problems.

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