Justitiële verkenningen


Samenwerken met politiemachines

Politievakmanschap in het tijdperk van artificiële intelligentie

Trefwoorden digital skills, data skills, software use, learning processes
Auteurs Wouter Landman

Wouter Landman
Dr. W. Landman werkt als zelfstandig onderzoeker en adviseur.
  • Samenvatting

      Artificial intelligence (AI) is slowly but fundamentally changing police practice. Processes of human sensemaking are increasingly augmented and sometimes automated by AI. As a consequence, policemen have to work together with police machines. This requires new knowledge and skills. The foundation of these competences is a digital mindset. In addition, data skills, software skills, and legal and ethical knowledge and skills are crucial parts of the required craftmanship. Police organizations are faced with the task of facilitating learning processes. These processes preferably take place in operational teams by supporting the use of AI applications for tasks at hand.

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