Justitiële verkenningen


Milieucriminaliteit en groene criminologie

Trefwoorden environmental crime, green criminology, criminalization, harm principle, lawful but awful
Auteurs Daan van Uhm

Daan van Uhm
Dr. D.P. van Uhm is universitair hoofddocent criminologie bij het Willem Pompe Instituut van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In recent years, the harmful effects of human activities on the environment have become a central topic on the international agenda. While many harms against the environment have not (yet) been criminalized, more and more activities that were previously legal are becoming criminalized by law and that raises important criminological questions. This article will therefore discuss various forms of environmental crimes, the process of criminalization of harms against the environment, and the importance of a broad harm principle to understand environmental crime from a green criminological perspective.

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