Justitiële verkenningen


Regelovertreding, daders en handhaving bij milieucriminaliteit

Empirische inzichten uit twee recente studies

Trefwoorden environmental rule violations, legal and natural persons, recidivism, perpetrators, sanctions
Auteurs Victor van der Geest, Joost van Onna en Johan van Wilsem

Victor van der Geest
Dr. V. van der Geest is universitair hoofddocent Criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit.

Joost van Onna
Dr. J.H.R. van Onna is onderzoeker bij het Functioneel Parket (Openbaar Ministerie) en research fellow aan de Vrije Universiteit.

Johan van Wilsem
Dr. J.A. van Wilsem is strateeg-onderzoeker bij de Algemene Rekenkamer.
  • Samenvatting

      Little empirical evidence exists about (rule violations of) perpetrators of environmental crime in the Netherlands and the effectiveness of government interventions through administrative and criminal law enforcement. The present article brings together insights from two recent empirical studies and describes the common threads that can be distilled from these two complementary studies regarding perpetrators, sanctions and recidivism. The results show that, among both companies and individuals, a small group of perpetrators is responsible for a majority of violations and offenses and that the criminal sanctions imposed differ between companies and individuals. The article discusses the findings on recidivism and effectiveness, draws conclusions and discusses future research.

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