Justitiële verkenningen


Focus op criminaliteit in milieumarkten: het Dreigingsbeeld Milieucriminaliteit

Trefwoorden crime opportunities, situational crime prevention, waste trafficking, manure fraud, policy cycle
Auteurs Rudie Neve

Rudie Neve
Dr. R.J.M. Neve is senior onderzoeker bij de Dienst Landelijke Informatieorganisatie van de politie.
  • Samenvatting

      The Environmental Crime Threat Assessment is published every four years in order to inform and support policy development, to promote awareness in politics of the seriousness of environmental crimes committed in the Netherlands, and to give advice on prevention. In recent versions of the report, a selection of sectors is analyzed with respect to opportunities for crime occurring for persons and businesses in the sector, often stemming from complicated regulation and shortage of enforcement. Two examples are discussed briefly. The waste sector has always been an important issue in the Threat Assessment and its predecessors, whereas manure fraud is a more recent problem.

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