Justitiële verkenningen


Parels in het zand

Hoe het WODC zijn schatkist aan kennis wagenwijd openzet, ten dienste van beleid, wetenschap en samenleving

Trefwoorden beleidsonderzoek, onafhankelijk onderzoek, kennislijnen, rechtsstaat, datamanagement
Auteurs Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders

Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders
Prof. dr. G.J.L.M. Lensvelt-Mulders is directeur van het WODC en hoogleraar Wetenschapstheorie, Methodologie en Onderzoeksleer aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek.
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution the author describes the WODC mission-vision on the way to 2033, based on two themes. First the change in the name of the WODC: the D for Documentation will be changed in the D for Data. This only saves one word, but it has significant consequences for the strategy and position of the WODC. Secondly there will be a new subtitle: ‘Knowledge Institute for the Rule of Law’. What it means to be a knowledge institute for the rule of law and how the WODC will contribute to the enhancement of the rule of law, will be described in this contribution to the special edition of Justitiële verkenningen in honour of the 50th anniversary of the WODC.
      It is the mission of the WODC to enhance her impact in three ways. By stimulating evidence-based working for policy makers, by enhancing the cooperation with other research institutions and dissemination of the research in scientific publications, and by enhancing the findability of the research results for a wide range of people working for a just, resilient and safe society.

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