Justitiële verkenningen


De strafrechtelijke aanpak van hedendaagse vormen van slavernij in internationale productieketens

Trefwoorden labor exploitation, human trafficking, corporate social responsibility, companies, liability
Auteurs Masja van Meeteren en Anne-Jetske Schaap

Masja van Meeteren
Prof. dr. M.J. van Meeteren is hoogleraar Criminologie bij de sectie Strafrecht en Criminologie aan de Radboud Universiteit.

Anne-Jetske Schaap
Mr. dr. A.L.M. Schaap is als universitair docent straf(proces)recht verbonden aan het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen en het Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL) van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution focuses on modern forms of slavery, more specifically labor exploitation. Slavery has been criminalized in the Netherlands as human trafficking. One form of human trafficking is labor exploitation. The authors focus on labor exploitation in global supply chains of Dutch companies. First, they scrutinize the possibilities that Dutch criminal law provides to hold companies liable for labor exploitation in their global supply chain. Subsequently, they analyze Dutch case law on labor exploitation, to identify cases that took place in supply chains abroad. Finally the authors discuss what barriers and difficulties arise in – eventually – establishing liability for these international forms of labor exploitation.

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