Justitiële verkenningen


Een kritische blik op slavernijonderwijs

Trefwoorden slavery teaching practices, lasting impact of slavery, slave trade focus, America focus, othering
Auteurs Joandi Hartendorp

Joandi Hartendorp
J.M.L. Hartendorp MLitt (Master of Letters) is PhD-kandidaat bij het department ‘Citizenship and the Humanisation of the Public Sector’ van de University of Humanistic Studies, onder supervisie van prof. dr. Nicole Immler en prof. dr. Hans Alma.
  • Samenvatting

      After apologising for Dutch slavery, the Dutch cabinet has pledged to establish a fund focused on enhancing knowledge and awareness of slavery and its lasting impact, through education. However, when aiming to raise awareness and enhance understanding of slavery, it is crucial to ensure that the knowledge being imparted is sound. To determine the extent to which this is achieved, it is necessary to gain insight into the content of slavery education. Several studies have already been conducted, however, these are mainly based on analyses of slavery textbooks. The author’s research, on the other hand, specifically focuses on what teachers themselves communicate in the classroom. Education scholars argue that history education is a cultural and social practice in which personal considerations play a significant role. Particularly when dealing with sensitive historical subjects, the teacher’s individual input often supersedes the textbook. Hence, the author conducted a study based on 35 in-depth interviews with history teachers to provide an understanding of how slavery history is taught in secondary education. The collected data were analysed using Critical Thematic Analysis, a method that allows for the thematic and critical interpretation of narrative patterns in interviews. The analysis revealed that the lasting impact of slavery that the government seeks to raise awareness of and aims to mitigate, is evident in educational practices. Recognising this lasting impact and making efforts to address it should precede any expansion of the scope of current slavery education.

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