Justitiële verkenningen


Buit en spel

Handel in voetbaldromen

Trefwoorden well-being kids, dependency relationships, selection, professional football
Auteurs Judith van Heems en Nick Romeijn

Judith van Heems
Mr. drs. J. van Heems is werkzaam bij het Openbaar Ministerie, de expertgroep Voetbal & Veiligheid en de werkgroep Weerbare BVO’s.

Nick Romeijn
Drs. N. Romeijn is beleidsadviseur bij de Sportraad Amsterdam en buitenpromovendus aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The profit-driven nature of contemporary football, a global billion-dollar industry, leads to children with dreams of becoming professional footballers sometimes finding themselves in a vulnerable position. When dreams become ‘business’, children can fall into unhealthy dependency relationships and decisions can be made where the best interests of the child are not the primary concern. Selection teams prove to be a dubious tool in this regard. Commercial football schools, player’s agents, professional football organizations and amateur clubs, all have a share in this – intentionally or unintentionally. It is therefore up to them jointly to pay attention to the interests of the child in this system, so that football is not at odds with the well-being of young people.

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