Justitiële verkenningen


De gevolgen van het ‘Ye-systeem’

Een wetenschappelijke analyse van de schade veroorzaakt door een van de grootste fraudeschandalen in de voetbalgeschiedenis

Trefwoorden fraud, football, match-fixing
Auteurs Lucie Vanwersch en Wim Hardyns

Lucie Vanwersch
L. Vanwersch, LL.M. is PhD-onderzoeker aan het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Faculteit Recht en Criminologie, van de Universiteit Gent.

Wim Hardyns
Prof. dr. W. Hardyns is professor aan het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Faculteit Recht en Criminologie, van de Universiteit Gent en gastprofessor aan de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Antwerpen.
  • Samenvatting

      The Zheyun Ye case is a well-documented football scandal in Belgium in which a Chinese businessman gained influence over professional football clubs in the years 2004-2006 for the purpose of fixing matches and betting on the outcomes of these manipulated matches. Ye and more than thirty others involved were prosecuted for private bribery related to match-fixing and complex financial constructions linked to money laundering. In this contribution, the authors discuss the implications of the Ye case from the perspective of the Harm Assessment Framework. This theoretical framework allows to map the consequences of crime from the perspective of the bearers of the resulting harm. Additionally, the authors use social network analysis to analyze the financial exchanges between Ye and other involved actors. By doing so, they hope to show the breadth of the consequences of this case and thereby create more (political) awareness around the urgency of the problem.

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