Justitiële verkenningen


Het witwassen van criminele winsten

Over feiten, fabels en vragen die je eigenlijk (nog) niet zou moeten stellen

Trefwoorden Roberto Saviano, Dutch tax regulations, organized crime, Brigitte Unger, money laundering size estimation
Auteurs Edwin Kruisbergen

Edwin Kruisbergen
Dr. E.W. Kruisbergen is kenniscoördinator bij het directoraat-generaal Politie en Veiligheidsregio’s van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.
  • Samenvatting

      This article starts with a brief exploration of the juridical and criminological meaning of money laundering. Subsequently, the author discusses two contributions that gained momentum in the Dutch debate on money laundering. This concerns, firstly, the statements of Roberto Saviano, an Italian journalist who claims that the Dutch tax regulations facilitate organized crime. Secondly, the author discusses Unger’s application of the so-called Walker model to estimate the size of money laundering in the Netherlands (and worldwide). Finally, he argues that, due to the limited, current level of empirical knowledge on criminal money flows, a question such as ‘How much money is laundered in the Netherlands?’, is in fact not suited as a research question.

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