Justitiële verkenningen


Vrouwelijke terugkeerders uit Syrië

Het perspectief van de verdediging

Trefwoorden terrorism suspicion, burden of proof, IS, caliphate
Auteurs Tamara Buruma en Frederieke Dölle

Tamara Buruma
Mr. drs. T.M.D. Buruma is strafrechtadvocaat bij Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers, gespecialiseerd in terrorismezaken.

Frederieke Dölle
Mr. F.T.C. Dölle is strafrechtadvocaat bij Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers, gespecialiseerd in terrorismezaken.
  • Samenvatting

      This article discusses from a defence perspective the return of female returnees from Syria. The protocols developed for their return lead to a somewhat different initial phase of their criminal cases. These women face various areas of law. Their criminal case is not always the most important case they have to deal with. In the criminal cases, in the authors’ view, too little consideration is given to the women’s individual conduct and abilities. Instead, the women are condemned on the basis of fairly general accusations. This is reinforced by the frequent use of general sources. These sources are difficult for the defence to examine and are also too easily assumed to be correct. Finally, in this article the authors reflect on the ever-increasing sentences. When sentencing, the courts do not always take into account the conditions in Kurdish detention camps.

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