Justitiële verkenningen


De effectiviteit van morele gedragsinterventies bij jeugdige delinquenten

Een overzichtsstudie

Trefwoorden moral development, behavioral interventions, conscience, meta-analysis
Auteurs Evelyn Heynen, Eveline van Vugt, Mark Assink en Geert-Jan Stams

Evelyn Heynen
Dr. E.J.E. Heynen is universitair docent klinische kinder- en jeugd psychologie aan de Open Universiteit, Faculteit der Psychologie.

Eveline van Vugt
Dr. E.S. van Vugt is universitair docent forensische orthopedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen.

Mark Assink
Dr. M. Assink is universitair docent forensische orthopedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen.

Geert-Jan Stams
Prof. dr. G.J.J.M. Stams is hoogleraar forensische orthopedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen.
  • Samenvatting

      Juvenile delinquents appear to be delayed in their moral development, more specific the development of their moral judgment, empathy, guilt and shame. Moral development also appears to predict recidivism. It is therefore plausible that interventions that focus on the moral development of juvenile delinquents could have a beneficial effect on reducing recidivism. However, our systematic review (i.e., meta-analysis) shows that with these so-called moral behavioral interventions the level of moral judgment of juvenile offenders can be significantly increased, by 22%, but that such interventions have no effect on recidivism. It may be possible to increase the effectiveness of moral interventions for juvenile delinquents by simultaneously influencing several aspects of moral development instead of, for example, only moral judgment or empathy. In addition, problems of poor aggression regulation, often caused by a history of traumatic events, may need to be addressed first before moral-behavioral interventions can be effective.

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