Justitiële verkenningen


Macht, emancipatie, onmacht

Over de geschiedenis van het lijden van gedetineerden en gekken

Trefwoorden legal protection, prison system, mental health institutions, living conditions, repression
Auteurs Pieter Ippel

Pieter Ippel
Prof. dr. P.C. Ippel is emeritus hoogleraar rechtstheorie (en/in praktijk) bij de Universiteit Utrecht en University College Roosevelt in Middelburg.
  • Samenvatting

      This article reflects on the brilliant 1990-book of criminologist Herman Franke on long-term developments in the Dutch prison system from 1800 onward. A pertinent question is whether it is possible and adequate to use the discourse of ‘emancipation’ to catch the historical processes in total institutions. A comparison is made with parallel transformations in the institutional sector of mental health, a social field in which there has been a radical movement claiming better legal protection and more humane living conditions. Surely an improvement has occurred in the actual situation of prisoners and mental patients, but one has to be reluctant (or even sceptical) to frame this in terms of ‘emancipation’.

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