Justitiële verkenningen


De onbenutte kracht van schuldpreventie

Trefwoorden problematic debt, debt prevention, early detection, financial skills, legislation
Auteurs Dr. Tamara Madern

Dr. Tamara Madern
Dr. T.E. Madern is lector Schuldpreventie en Vroegsignalering bij het lectoraat Schulden en Incasso van het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie aan de Hogeschool Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Problematic debt has a large impact on people’s lives and tends to escalate quickly, making early detection and debt prevention crucial. Debt prevention is a mix of measures, activities and provisions aimed at ensuring that people acquire financial skills and that they are capable and actually behave financially sound, so that their finances are and remain in order. So people have to be financially literate and have financial skills, but they also have to be able to act at the right time in the right way. There is currently not enough attention for these three elements in legislation and regulations.

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