Justitiële verkenningen


Invordering schulden: van eigenbelang naar gezamenlijk belang

Trefwoorden debt recovery, seizing wage, seizing bank account, multiple creditors, legislation
Auteurs Mr. André Moerman

Mr. André Moerman
Mr. A.J. Moerman is manager bij Bindkracht10, voorzitter van de signaleringscommissie van de Landelijke Organisatie Sociaal Raadslieden en eigenaar van www.schuldinfo.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution treats debt recovery as an important cause for the emergence and worsening of the debt problem. It is explained that when a bailiff seizes wage, the debtor often has too little left to live on. In addition to seizure of wage, the bailiff can also seize the bank account or seize household goods in order to sell these. The author describes how this can lead to new debts and what legislation is being prepared to modernize this situation. In case of problematic debts, multiple creditors are collecting from the same debtor, which requires coordination. The recovery by creditors facilitated by the current rules focuses on the claims of individual creditors. However, as soon as problematic debts are involved, an integrated approach is necessary, in which the common interest, the interest of all creditors and that of the debtor, takes precedence over self-interest.

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