Justitiële verkenningen


Kinderbescherming over de grens

Lessen voor Nederland en leren van Denemarken?

Trefwoorden child protection, youth care systems, international comparison, Denmark, trust versus risk management
Auteurs Drs. Caroline Vink

Drs. Caroline Vink
Drs. C. Vink is senior adviseur bij het Nederlands Jeugdinstituut in Utrecht. Zij adviseert en ondersteunt gemeenten en zorgaanbieders met betrekking tot de transitie en transformatie van de zorg voor jeugd.
  • Samenvatting

      In view of the recent problems arising from the decentralization of the Dutch youth care system, this article examines whether the Netherlands could learn from decentralization experiences in other countries. The author focuses on Denmark, where such decentralization took place fairly recently. In addition, elements of the organization of youth care in Germany and Norway are also discussed. It becomes clear that the Netherlands has a relatively complex system with many different organizations with overlapping tasks and powers. In the Netherlands, much attention is paid to control and risk management. In Denmark, on the other hand, there is much more confidence in the capacities of parents and children to find solutions. It is noticeable that in the vast majority of cases there is consensus between parents, child/youngster and care providers about how to deal with the problems. The most important lesson that the Netherlands can learn from abroad – and especially the Danes – is: invest in underlying values and principles and give professionals and families time, support and space.

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