Justitiële verkenningen


Drie ingrepen om de jeugdzorg te redden

Trefwoorden Dutch youth care, decentralization, evaluation, crisis, access to youth mental health care
Auteurs Dr. Ido Weijers

Dr. Ido Weijers
Dr. I. Weijers is emeritus hoogleraar Jeugdbescherming en Jeugdrechtspleging aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Dutch youth care was decentralized in 2015. Since the transfer to the municipalities, youth care is in a state of deep crisis. There are long waiting lists, even in situations of acute need; there is lack of money, of professional and experienced staff, of adequate care, and of central coordination and guidance. In contrast to Denmark, where youth care was transferred to municipalities in 2007, there was barely time to prepare the transfer in the Netherlands. Moreover, the number of municipalities was not significantly reduced and the funding was extremely cut back. In this article, a number of interventions is being proposed to save what can still be saved. First, funding will have to be substantially increased. Second, the access to youth mental health care should not be a matter of municipal authority.

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