Justitiële verkenningen


Transitcriminaliteit en logistieke knooppunten in Nederland

Trefwoorden Drug trafficking, airports, seaports, security checks, corruption
Auteurs Renushka Madarie MSc en Dr. Edwin Kruisbergen

Renushka Madarie MSc
R. Madarie MSc. is als promovendus verbonden aan het NSCR te Amsteram

Dr. Edwin Kruisbergen
Dr. E.W. Kruisbergen is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het WODC.
  • Samenvatting

      The Netherlands functions as an important source and transit country for international organized drug trafficking. This is in part due to its large logistical nodes in the world economy, like the airport and the seaport. Based on in-depth analyses of sixteen cases of the Dutch Organized Crime Monitor, this article explores how drug traffickers operate at logistical nodes, in particular airports. The results demonstrate that organized crime groups deploy mainly three types of tactics to traffic drugs, namely defying, avoiding, and neutralizing security checks. Occupational embeddedness is manifested through several job-related factors. Autonomy, mobility, and the similarity between legitimate duties and criminal activities facilitate discrete engagement in organized crime activities during work time. Port employees are also attractive to organized crime groups because of their job-related social capital and knowledge.

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