Justitiële verkenningen


Controle of begeleiding? Ervaringen met reclasseringstoezicht tijdens de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling

Trefwoorden parole, desistance, supervision, Re-entry, risk management
Auteurs Jennifer Doekhie MSc, Dr. Esther van Ginneken, Dr. Anja Dirkzwager en Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta

Jennifer Doekhie MSc
J.V.O.R. Doekhie MSc is als docent Criminologie verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Dr. Esther van Ginneken
Dr. E.F.J.C. van Ginneken is als docent Criminologie verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Dr. Anja Dirkzwager
Dr. A.J.E. Dirkzwager is als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving.

Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta
Prof. dr. P. Nieuwbeerta is als hoogleraar Criminologie verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Little is known about how ex-prisoners’ parole supervision experiences relate to desistance. The aim of this article therefore is to gain insight into the nature of release conditions and parole supervision of ex-prisoners and parolees’ perceptions of their supervision related to the desistance process. A total of 23 Dutch parolees were interviewed in depth at three waves starting in prison up to one year after their release, and the 69 interviews were combined with their parole files containing information about conditions, violations and sanctions. Parole files revealed the practice of highly engaged parole officers, who worked with parolees to strengthen factors known to foster desistance. However, the interviews showed that most parolees found their parole experience predominantly surveillance-oriented and not very helpful for desistance. Parole was experienced as most beneficial when parole officers used their discretionary power to adjust conditions creating ‘space’ for trial-and-error.

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