Justitiële verkenningen


Experimenten in de civiele rechtspraak: een oplossing voor welk probleem?

Trefwoorden court pilots, civil procedure, efficiency, policy analysis, legal protection
Auteurs Mr. dr. Kim van der Kraats

Mr. dr. Kim van der Kraats
Mr. dr. K.G.F. van der Kraats is rechter en teamvoorzitter handel en kanton in de Rechtbank Overijssel. In september 2017 is zij gepromoveerd bij prof. mr. Ivo Giesen (UU) en dr. R.J.J. Eshuis (WODC) op een proefschrift onder de titel De eigen(aardig)heid van de kantonrechter.
  • Samenvatting

      In Dutch courts several pilots are being carried out in order to enhance the quality of civil procedure. The main focus of the pilots is to speed up the procedure and make it more cost-effective, while ensuring the procedure is easily accessible and is overseen by a mediating judge in a nearby court. This focus largely corresponds with aspects of the civil procedure that the courts and the minister of Justice have identified as in need of attention. The courts and the minister have focused on different specific problems and propose different solutions, however, and neither aims to address the quality of civil procedure as a whole. It is doubtful whether the proposals for improvement, put forward by the courts and the minister, can address the concerns they have intended to resolve and whether the overall quality of the civil procedure (for all civil cases instead of the simple ones) will be improved. Solutions to the problems of the civil procedure cannot be devised without first developing a clear picture of the problems people experience with civil procedures and the courts.

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