Justitiële verkenningen


De vrederechter in historisch perspectief

Trefwoorden legal history, justice of the peace, Conciliation, small claim courts, access to justice
Auteurs Mr. dr. Emese von Bóné

Mr. dr. Emese von Bóné
Mr. dr. E.K.E. von Bóné is als universitair docent werkzaam bij de Capgroep Privaatrecht van de Erasmus School of Law (ESL) van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zij doceert rechtsgeschiedenis en doet rechtshistorisch en rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar laagdrempelige rechtspraak.
  • Samenvatting

      This article is about the history of the justice of the peace, a low profile judge where people easily have access to. The history of the justice of the peace goes back to the seventeenth century. The justice of the peace was reintroduced in the Netherlands in the French period, when the country was annexed by the French Empire under the reign of Napoleon. The justice of the peace was also introduced in Belgium and is still in use. The most important task of the justice of the peace is ‘conciliation’. In the conciliation procedure the justice of the peace has a very active role. The judge tries to mediate between the parties in order to come to an agreement.

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