Justitiële verkenningen


Hét gevoel van onveiligheid bestaat niet

Trefwoorden fear of victimization, risk perception, feelings of unsafety, measurement, policy
Auteurs Dr. Lonneke van Noije en Dr. Jurjen Iedema

Dr. Lonneke van Noije
Dr. L. van Noije is als wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau te Den Haag.

Dr. Jurjen Iedema
Dr. J. Iedema is als wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau te Den Haag.
  • Samenvatting

      There is no such thing as the feeling of unsafety. The trend in feelings of unsafety is measured using a standard question that has figured in the successive Safety Monitors (Veiligheidsmonitors) for many years: ‘Do you occasionally feel unsafe?’ This general question formulation elicits information on how uneasy the Dutch feel about safety. The nature and burden of this unease may vary greatly among them. The authors’ analysis shows that crime-specific measures of fear of victimization differ fundamentally from both cognitive assessments (risk perception) and general measures of feelings of unsafety. Hence, people who occasionally feel unsafe do not automatically think or fear that they will fall victim to crime and vice versa. Consequently, the authors identify four main constellations of subjective safety which emerge in different population groups, some more burdened by fear of victimization than others. The authors argue that policy should at least seek to reduce the most serious problems. They propose personal fear of victimization as an alternative for general feelings of safety.

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