Justitiële verkenningen


Zwijgen is zilver en spreken is goud

Auteurs Prof. dr. Bob de Graaff en Dr. Constant Hijzen

Prof. dr. Bob de Graaff
Prof. dr. B.G.J. de Graaff is hoogleraar intelligence and security studies aan de Universiteit Utrecht, www.uu.nl/medewerkers/bgjgraaff/0.

Dr. Constant Hijzen
Dr. C.W. Hijzen is als universitair docent verbonden aan de vakgroep Intelligence & Security van het Institute of Security and Global Affairs en aan het Instituut Geschiedenis (Universiteit Leiden).
  • Samenvatting

      Although traditionally, it has been argued that intelligence and security services can barely be discussed in public – a veil of secrecy makes a thorough and informed debate almost impossible, the outside world is ignorant, say the insiders – we argue that today’s mature civil society does not accept that anymore. Although the government has struggled to address social anxiety and political criticism in the past decades, communication and strategic discussions have never received proper attention. Due to the technological changes, affecting the intelligence practice as well as daily life of citizens, the authors argue that the positioning of intelligence and security services in the broader democratic state should receive structural attention and sustainable communication efforts.

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