Justitiële verkenningen


Onmaatschappelijkheidsbestrijding en de cultuur van volksbuurten in Brabant

Trefwoorden Noord-Brabant, marginal neighborhoods’ culture, antisocial behavior, Crime, government policy
Auteurs Prof. dr. P. Tops

Prof. dr. P. Tops
Prof. dr. Pieter Tops is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Universiteit van Tilburg en lector ‘politie en openbaar bestuur’ aan de Politieacademie.
  • Samenvatting

      ‘Volksbuurten’ (marginal neighborhoods) in Brabant emerged from poverty and backwardness, but have developed their own way to deal with it. ‘Deviant behavior’, including forms of illegal and criminal activity, is important in there. That behavior gradually gets sustainable features. These neighborhoods are usually the result of conscious and active government policy; in particular the approach of ‘antisocial behavior’ in the forties and fifties of the last century has been important. In this article the author first sketches the outlines of this particular ‘volksbuurten’ culture, to focus then on the history of a particular street in one of those neighborhoods and its culture around 1960: the Ruisvoornstraat in Tilburg. Knowledge of the history of these neighborhoods is one of the keys to understanding the specifics of the history of Brabant and its partial intertwining with a culture of acting illegally and criminally.

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